Lecteur and Maitre de Langue jobs for 2025-2026
Welcome! Please find below all job listings I come across for the school year 2025-2026. Make sure to check the deadline for each job, as well as where the job is located. Most jobs require a cover letter (lettre de motivation), CV (resume), a copy of your diploma, and a copy of your passport. Best of luck!
Universite d’Orleans
This university is offering both lecteur and maitre de langue positions. They begin acception applications on March 29th, and the deadline is April 29th at 4pm. To apply you’ll need an application sheet, cover letter, resume, passport, and diploma.
Universite de Strasbourg
The University of Strasbourg is looking for both Maitre de Langue and Lecteur teachers to teach English, Russian, Spanish, and Chinese. I worked at this University (different department) as a Maitre de Langue anglais and loved it. The deadline is March 30th at midnight. You’ll need a resume and coverletter in both French and English to apply.
Universite Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France (UPHF)
UPHF in Valenciennes is looking for a lecteur in English. To apply you’ll need a resume in either French or English, and a cover letter.
Universite de Perpignan (UPVD)
The University of Perpignan is looking for 2 English lecteurs. They don’t specify what they’ll need to apply (probably a resume and coverletter at least) but provide a few emails to contact and learn more.
Universite Lyon 3 Jean Moulin
The University of Lyon 3 Jean Moulin is looking for a Maitre de Langue in English, and Lecteurs for the languages of English, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Italian, and Russian. You will have to apply directly on their portal. Deadline is March 26th at 4pm Paris time.
Universite Paul Valery Montpellier
The University of Paul Valery in Montpellier is looking for an English lecteur and two Spanish lecteurs, as well as a contractual English teacher. The deadline to apply for the English lecteur is March 30th, for Spanish is May 15th, and for the contractual is by March 23rd.
Universite La Rochelle
The University of La Rochelle is looking for a maitre de langue of Indonesian and a contractual of English. Deadline to apply for both are March 21st.
Universite de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)
The University of Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens is looking for 4 English lecteurs. To apply you’ll need a resume, cover letter, photo ID, diploma with translation, and a certificat sur l’honneur. Deadline is for April 4th.
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